Category: exosome blog

Real patient experiences

Webinar #21-Autoimmunity

Dr. Ed Park of Recharge Biomedical explains autoimmunity by way of explaining our immune systems. An example of improvement of Rheumatoid arthritis symptoms after exosomes is presented.

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Webinar #20- Hair Loss

Dr. Ed Park of Recharge Biomedical explains hair growth and loss. Three cases of exosome use with microneedling are presented

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Webinar #19- Vision

Dr. Ed Park of Recharge Biomedical explains vision and describes two cases of improvement after exosomes. (n.b. Exosomes are not FDA-approved to treat vision problems)

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Webinar #18 – Face Blindness

Dr. Ed Park of Recharge Biomedical explains face blindness, or prosopagnosia, which affects about one in fifty people. A case of significant improvement after exosome treatment is presented. (n.b. Exosomes are not FDA-approved to treat face blindness)

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Webinar #17 – Tinnitus

Dr. Ed Park of Recharge Biomedical explains acne: what causes it, how to prevent and treat it, and how exosomes might have helped one case improve

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Webinar #16: Acne

Dr. Ed Park of Recharge Biomedical explains acne: what causes it, how to prevent and treat it, and how exosomes might have helped one case improve

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