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1938 : Muller names the telomere

In the 1930’s, twenty years before Watson and Crick described the DNA’s double helix, Herman Muller was irradiating fruit flies at Woods Hole to produce mutants with deletions and inversions involving the ends of chromosomes. High energy rays produce DNA breaks, which is why UV exposure gives us skin cancer.

Of note, he never found mutants with deletions or inversions
involving the natural ends of the chromosomes and concluded that:

‘‘. . . the terminal gene must have a special function, that of sealing the end of the chromosome, so to speak, and that for some reason a chromosome cannot persist indefinitely without having its ends thus sealed.’’

Muller coined the term telomere for this terminal gene from the Greek, meaning simply ‘‘end part,’’ but the fact that this region of the chromosome deserved a specific name was a recognition that something unusual was going on there.”

(The above was excerpted from: The Plant Cell, Vol. 16, 794–803, April 2004,)

Muller used experiment and observation to correctly deduce the function of telomeres long before we even knew the structure of DNA.

All too often, truth often has to wait for consensus and dogma to catch up. In the case of telomerase activation science, let’s hope it doesn’t take the seventy years that it took for Herman Muller to be vindicated by Maria Blasco’s work.

Can you really afford NOT to take TA-65?

Great health to all,
Dr. Park

P.S. To see experimental proof of telomerase’s role in preventing chromosomal damage, go to

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