I am passing along this request for funding from Jill Runion, my friend and the clinician who has cared for Porter since 2007. In this podcast, I discuss his amazing journey from spinal cord injury which can provide hope for many others.
Reading Time: 3 minutes
Can you help Jill to help Porter’s spinal cord injury?

I am passing along this request for funding from Jill Runion, my friend and the clinician who has cared for Porter since 2007. In this podcast, I discuss his amazing journey from spinal cord injury which can provide hope for many others.  Please take a moment to read her email below and contribute to her continued training.  The podcast can be viewed here.

Porter is fighting for his life and he is a hero of mine. Jill is his ‘Sancho Panza’ and a person of the highest integrity and passion for healing.  Please do consider her request as I know she is doing work that no others can and will do to achieve results that no one even thinks are possible. Thank you.



Dear Family and Friends,
As many of you know, have been working with Porter Broughton since June ’07 and, with great dedicated care, he has made progress that defies conventional wisdom about spinal cord injury. I have always been a willing to look for the latest, rather than settle for the current.  Spinal and nervous system science is exploding right now, with many new understandings about the healing process that no one was talking about 8 years ago.  This is very hopeful for people with injuries to their nervous systems.

One of the most exciting new therapies comes out of Australia.  Ken Ware http://neurophysicstraining.com
<http://neurophysicstraining.com/>  developed a system of tremor therapy to help athletes go to new levels, but in the process, almost by accident, he discovered that people with SCI got tremendous benefit, in a very short amount of time, from this kind of inside out shaking it up.  I have been studying his work with him, via Skype, and now it is time for me to take his 5 week hands on course in Australia.  It will make her the first trained Neurophysics therapist practicing in the US, and able to help so many people through my clinic, Synapse, Center for Neuro Reactivation http://www.tetonsynapse.com <http://www.tetonsynapse.com/> .   Ken himself is totally behind me, having met me, and recognized my natural skills as both a technician and a healer.

Taking 5 weeks to go to Australia is expensive enough, without the course fees. Since making a huge commitment to come home trained in this work, I need to go to bat and raise the money I will need between now and the end of the course, in late August –  $15,000 tuition, $5000 for transportation, flights, food and housing, and another $5000 to cover my expenses while I am gone. I have already set up her clinic with the equipment and tools I will need to do this work.

I have a busy practice here, and not only SCI will benefit from this new technology.  Even “normal” people can use tremor to break up blockages and dysfunctional patterns in the body, and lay down new neural nets.  Neurophysics has helped people with MS, stroke, and other nervous system challenges, and of course, athletes, reach whole new levels of function and fitness.

Here is a link to a 7 minute GoFundMe video I have put together.  http://www.gofundme.com/k2jbh0 <http://www.gofundme.com/k2jbh0>   I hope you can at least look at it to see how far Port has come, and if you are inspired, GoFundMe has the links to make a donation.  Asking for this kind of help is never easy, for there are many places that need support, so I completely understand if you are not drawn to this.  However, every little bit helps, and I so appreciate any that comes my way.  Pass the links on if you see fit.

Thanks everyone from the bottom of my heart,
With love,


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