Category: #webinarwednesday

Real patient experiences

Addictions represent impaired relearning from sleep dysfunction

This is one of my favorite webinars. In it, I discovered that the celebrities that seemed to die of addictions were really dying of their self-medication of sleep dysfunction. From Michael Jackson to Jimi Hendrix, the doctors’ cures and the distillers spirits only made the problem worse.

But efficient sleep can help with the unlearning of addictions and therefore adaptogens that enhance sleep function appear to help get off things like Ambien.

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Is depression related to shorter telomeres in girls?

The research in this field is tended to reject the link between depression and shorter telomeres but in recent years, the studies have been mixed with a greater number of studies showing an association (like this Epel study from the NHNES study data that I recently blogged about) whereas other show no correlation like this New Zealand study.

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Is Telomerase Good or Bad?

The inadequate lengthening of telomeres by telomerase allows for mutations to occur. But after carcinogenesis has occurred, the ongoing action of telomerase in those immortal cells allows for lengthening, thereby obscuring the relationship between median telomere length and cancer risk.

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Dr. Park interviewed about living hundreds of years

For #WebinarWednesday, I want to post a 16-minute interview I did recently with author and thought-leader, G. Edward Griffin. In this though-provoking exchange, I explain where humanity is going and why we can live hundreds of years.

I predict that no one is every going to collect Social Security benefits although we will probably keep paying into the system. (Sorry Ben Franklin, it’s really only taxes we can count on now)

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