The nice thing about adaptogens is that they don't stimulate or depress, they don't create tolerance (need for increasing dosages), nor do they cause withdrawal or physical dependency.
Reading Time: 2 minutes
Confessions of a RECHARGE junkie

Yesterday, I finally received our latest production run of RECHARGE after about a month of no supply.

We were so very short that even I had to go two days without it and that was unpleasant to say the least.

When you are taking an adaptogen, you take for granted that every day is a new day. But when you are not, every day feels like yesterday+1, then yesterday +2….and so on.  I guess the good way to describe it would be like you’re getting older, one day at a time.

Thank you note with smiley face , isolated on white

I wish to thank all those that were patiently waiting for this latest production run.  It is very expensive to manufacture and we don’t have the kind of profit margins that allow us to order very far ahead of time.

The nice thing is that once you restart, you will soon remember why you liked taking it!   But in due time, you will once again forget what it feels like to grow old one day at a time and will be questioning whether it is really worth the cost…

So I confess that I slept too much and got too little done when I didn’t take my RECHARGE the night before.  But after just one night’s restoration, I can say that handled today’s challenges quite well. This is my third blog posting in the last two hours…

The nice thing about adaptogens is that they don’t stimulate or depress, they don’t create tolerance (need for increasing dosages), nor do they cause withdrawal or physical dependency.  They aren’t euphorogenic or entheogenic like other drugs – they just make you more you as I blogged about here.

I guess you could say they are just what Dr. Huey Lewis ordered when he sang “I Want a New Drug”

I want a new drug
One that won’t go away
One that won’t keep me up all night
One that won’t make me sleep all day



If you are attending the Las Vegas American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine (A4M) in Las Vegas next week, (Dec 11-13), be sure to visit us for a free sample of RECHARGE and to say hello to me and to my fellow “addicts…”

We are at the LOKAHI GURU booth, #5036.


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