So far, the reviews for my book, Telomere Timebombs have been overwhelmingly positive! The paperback version is now available on Amazon for pre-ordering! The delivery date is set for Aug 17th.
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Five Star Reviews for Telomere Timebombs!

Good news!

So far, the reviews for my book, Telomere Timebombs have been overwhelmingly positive!

The paperback version is now available on Amazon for pre-ordering!  The delivery date is set for Aug 17th.
Click Here to get a copy of the paperback version.

I’m also extending the free audiobook offer a bit longer for those of you who prefer the Kindle version.
Click Here for the Kindle version.

Well, sports fans, as you know, athlete doping is in the news yet again (13 MLB players suspended for Biogenesis scandal).  As many of my clients know, there is a much better, safer and more holistic way to enhance performance. TA.  Here are a couple of brief interviews where I discuss important differences between TA and steroids.

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In the video below, I discuss  human growth hormone and it’s use in anti-aging protocols, some of the pros and cons and how it works. I also touch on some of the side effects of getting off the hormone.

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For more I formation, see my article:

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