Limited online live consultations available. Book now, especially if you are able to get to Honolulu June 14th, NYC June 21st, San Fran June 28th.
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Free 20-minute Zoom consultations available
I created the ability to have a face-to-face consultation with me on Zoom. All you have to do is enter your health history form and then book the appointment. The system creates a meeting and reminders for our calendars and email.
So far, the system has worked great and although I don’t always recommend exosomes, the patients seem to like the ability to ask a range of questions directly.
To book your consultation, go to
If you are able to get to any of these areas, please book your consultation now:

Honolulu: Fri, June 14th

San Francisco: Fri, June 28th

NYC:  Fri, July 12th

To download the Zoom apps for any platform, go here:

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