Here is a link to my video updating our fundraising for Legal Defense. Thanks to your kind donations, I have retained legal counsel and will do what I can to preserve my work and ideas for others in the future.
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It’s a Wonderful Life! – Thank you for your kindness and support

Here is a link to my video updating our fundraising for Legal Defense.

Thanks to your kind donations, I have retained legal counsel and will do what I can to preserve my work and ideas for others in the future.


You can still donate and make your name and the amount anonymous.  I really appreciate the words of encouragement!

1 thought on “It’s a Wonderful Life! – Thank you for your kindness and support”

  1. Dr. Park – Did you contact Dr. Whitiler and or Jay Sekelow? If so have they been of any help to you? Would appreciate knowing. Thank You! Also why doesn’t Geron (?) help you? It is their product is it not? Also are they not coming out with another product with in the next two years that is better than TA-65? You can respond if you will at the e-mail address I sent you the info from. TY.

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