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My Renaissance Weekend (p.s. there were no wenches with flagons of mead)

From Thursday to Sunday, I was in Napa wine country with some very cool people.

So thank you to whoever anonymously invited me to attend, participate, and lecture at something called “Renaissance Weekend”

I had no idea what to expect going in but despite not knowing a thing about it, it was a happening! –  like being at a 4 day camp with long lost friends whom you had never even met.

Being regaled by people who were inventors, athletes, parents, artists, CEO’s, legislators is cool enough but when many of those things were manifested in the ONE PERSON chatting with you, and that happens over and over again…well it was humbling to say the least.

To be around so many Renaissance men and women and to share stories with them was such a pleasure and I wanted to let you know that if you ever get an invitation to attend one of these, you should definitely consider going.  The people you meet, the things you will learn, and the personal growth you will witness and partake in will be a sacred time I assure you.

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