Even when stuck in LA traffic, there may be a sign of better things possible
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Outside the box

This week, I had the pleasure of speaking with a young woman who had been diagnosed with schizophrenia and bipolar disorder and multiple health and immune challenges. We spent over an hour talking and later in the week she emailed me that she had gotten my book and loved it. She wrote:

“Sharing knowledge is an act of caring, and I’m grateful for the opportunity to meet a doctor who thinks outside the box. Thank you Dr. Park. Hope to see you this year for an exosomes treatment.”

Three clinical examples of thinking outside the box

Gen X kids (1965-1984) love to say they were latchkey kids and I think that is fair. When I see people tie their shoes, I am reminded that no one taught me, so I taught myself. See how I do it here : https://www.facebook.com/reel/359430847034003

The first example was when I was a resident at Beth Israel Hospital. A baby’s head got stuck and despite the attending’s efforts to remove it, no one could because the shoulders were impacted. He ran out to alert the anesthesia team to prepare for an emergency c-section. 

Despite never having heard about the technique, I placed my hands behind the baby’s shoulder blades and folded them towards each other like a taco; the baby slid out. This technique has never been described in Obstetric textbooks.


The second example was when I was an attending at Kaiser. The emergency room called me about a young woman with low blood pressure and rapid heart rate and a tense, painful abdomen. I asked about the pregnancy test and they said they ran out but could send someone to the pharmacy! 

When I looked at the patient I decided to immediately take her to laparoscopy where there was a lot of blood from a tubal pregnancy which we fixed. If I had done the “correct” thing” I should have waited to see a pregnancy test and referred her to the general surgeons depending on the results; but if we had waited, serious harm could have come to her.


A recent example was last weekend when we treated a wonderful patient referred by Bob, the man with improved neuropathy in my book. She suffered nerve damage after spinal disc surgery and lived with excruciating pain constantly and weakness. My suspicion was sympathetic nerve pain and nerve root damage at L3/L4. You can even see the absence of her lateral calf muscle from this nerve damage here.


I spent the 2-hour commute from San Francisco to Sacramento reviewing different techniques for accessing the nerve root and sympathetic chain on her painful side. After the procedure, the red dusky appearance of her foot improved and she had less pain. Importantly, she was able to stand on her toes for the first time in a year and a half.

Here are some excerpts from the texts we have shared this week:

Still blown away about the fact that I can stand on my toes! Much less pain in my left foot and slept better than I’ve slept in months.”

“I feel like my left calf has more tone. My attitude towards my current situation and the future has really changed for the better”


I guess what I’m saying is that just because I don’t tie my shoes like all y’all, that don’t mean I’m doing it wrong. There is one less c-section (and possibly traumatized baby) because I somehow channeled a “Taco maneuver” for shoulder dystocia.

There is a lady who was saved extra blood transfusion and maybe even worse because I didn’t act like a normal Kaiser GYN and wait for a pregnancy test to see if it was my “turf”.

And there is a 69-yo retired chiropractor with a year and a half of severe nerve damage who has hope for the future because I tried something different after studying other techniques.  

There is a reason they call it practicing and not “mastering” medicine and it is a great honor to help when I can. 

To learn more about exosomes, check out my book in paperback, ebook, and audiobook. It has all 5-star reviews and is #1 for new releases in three categories.

1 thought on “Outside the box”

  1. Great thinkers and people all thought outside the box. I think Dr. Park is a good example of thinking outside the box and using common sense and creativity to solve problems, something that I rarely if ever seen in the medical field, and his patients stories resemble that.
    For me, I’m just happy that I finally found a caring and effective doctor which I hope has a very long and healthy life, so I don’t have to spend another 20yrs finding a doctor like him🌿

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