One thing I will say is that people with low body fat and plant-based diets do appear older. Like my friend once told me, you either have to choose your butt or your face- they can't both look good as you get older.
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Preliminary report from the Longevity Now Conference

I spent today at the Anaheim Hilton, meeting some people and listening to Dr. Daniel Amen, Dr. Dave Woynarowski, and Dr. John Warner. I was most impressed by Dr. John and his movement to create green chemistry, toxicology training for chemists, and many wonderful inventions to improve humanity.

More on what I learned in a future blogs…

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One thing I will say is that people with low body fat and plant-based diets do appear older. Like my friend once told me, you either have to choose your butt or your face- they can’t both look good as you get older.

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