Tag: rechargebiomedical

Real patient experiences

What is change blindness?

Today, I feel we should discuss a critically important topic: change blindness.

In order to function, we have to maintain a simulation of reality and when we are distracted, emotionally perturbed, or lazy, we do not perceive change.

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Does scarcity precede our notion of “philanthropy”? (which is really Soteriology in a hooded mask)

Philanthropy was classically defined as love for humanity, not alms for the poor.

“love of what it is to be human” is the essential nature and purpose of humanity, culture and civilization — was intrinsically philosophical, containing both metaphysics and ethics. The Greeks adopted the “love of humanity” as an educational ideal, whose goal was excellence (arete)—the fullest self-development, of body, mind, and spirit, which is the essence of liberal education.

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Thyroid function after TA65

The following patient clinically diagnoses himself with hyperthyroidism so I spoke with him about adjusting and the signs and symptoms required to manage this. I had to prepare him for “the talk” with his doctor who would poo-poo then accuse him of buying “magic beans” and possibly giving his children’s father cancer. Sigh.

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