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Thursday, Sept. 24, 4:00pm (Pacific) or 7PM (Eastern Standard): Telomere Talk


“Telomere Biology is rapidly advancing our ability to live longer and better. The discovery of TA-65, a safe-for-human- consumption Telomerase Activator has opened a new door– a new paradigm.

Best selling anti-aging author Michael Fossel, M.D. Ph.D. has likened the discovery of the first Telomerase Activator to the day humans learned how to grow crops for food! But so many doctors and health care professionals know little or nothing about telomeres and Telomerase Activators, even in the face of a hugely important article recently published in the August 17th edition of Scientific American.

Scientific American spotlighted our company, T.A. Sciences and our product, TA-65, asking: “Could the secrets to anti-aging be at the tips of our chromosomes?”

We’ll have Bill Andrews, PhD, co-discoverer of the hTERT telomerase gene, delivering a powerful presentation on Telomere Biology as it applies to your patients through the use of TA-65. We’ll also have an important discussion about “Resveratrol versus TA-65.”

There will also be docs on board for this webinar who are taking TA-65 themselves as well as using it in their practice. There will be ample opportunity for Q&A.

Please RSVP to : or call 212 588 8805 for further information.

Plan to listen and/or participate in the webinar Thursday the 24th, from 7-9 PM (4PM PST)  by going to

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