Category: Biomarkers

Real patient experiences

Exercise keeps you younger- duh

People who reported two types of exercise were 24 percent less likely to have short telomeres; three types of exercise were 29 percent less likely; and those who had participated in all four types of activities were 59 percent less likely to have very short telomeres.

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Will 49-yo Mark now have the life expectancy of a 19-yo Mark?

After two years of TA-65 use, his median length is now 12,500 (from an estimated 9,400) with a very nice drop in critically-short telomeres to 4.5% (from a baseline of up to 20%). So if you believe what most research is showing regarding the connection between shorter telomeres and longevity, Mark has gained over 30 years of longevity in a time where he should have lost three years.

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