In this first segment, Dr. Chang explains that we really don't know what the normal human birth endowment of telomere length is and we then discuss why lab mice have abnormally long telomeres and are therefore not a good model to study our aging.
Reading Time: 2 minutes
Dr. Stephen Colbert, DFA, interviews the man who cured aging! (…and I interview his protégé)

At the 2014 American Academy of Anti-Aging, we were lucky to interview Dr. Sandy Chang, MD, PhD, who is a leading researcher in the field of telomere biology.

In this first segment, Dr. Chang explains that we really don’t know what the normal human birth endowment of telomere length is and we then discuss why lab mice have abnormally long telomeres and are therefore not a good model to study our aging.

Dr. Sandy Chang interviewed


Finally, he touches upon this paper by his mentor, Dr. Ronald DePinho, in which the latter engineered mice to age with telomere attrition (like humans), and then by turning on telomerase, reversed those signs of aging.

Here is a video in which the now president of the MD Anderson Cancer Center explains telomeres to a complete idiot (whom I will miss so very much)


dePinho on Colbert


As an aside, if you are one of the thousands of people that are reached by my blog and you know some very influential or famous people who have seen my videos or read my book, please ask then to pen a private, for the publisher’s eyes only, endorsement letter of what I do.

That’s because I am planning a second, “breakout” book and in order to get a book deal, I need to drop some names and sadly, despite the many über-famous people who have directly or indirectly benefited from my videos and from taking TA-65 in particular, they remain in the shadows (even as their wrinkles cast fewer of them.)

When I see the excitement over the next new thing (like David Sinclair), I realize that TA-65 has been out for seven years and it has yet to become widely accepted despite my best efforts in social media, video production, blogging, speaking, and self-publishing.   Sadly, I realize that without publishing a commercially-successful title, the idea of telomerase activation could become another “also ran” like the now passé French Paradox and the red herring of red wine and resveratrol.

I had an anti-aging MD tell me only week that Telomeres were “so 5 years ago!” and given the 2009 Nobel Prize and this Harvard Mice study being 5-6 years ago, she may have been right.

If you think telomeres and telomerase shouldn’t be cast upon the dustbin of science like pet rocks or mood rings, then tell someone at TED or TEDMED to book me and ask that really famous person you know if they will write a private letter of endorsement for what I’m doing so that I can get obtain a book contract.

Thank you for your help in this matter, which is very time sensitive.

2 thoughts on “Dr. Stephen Colbert, DFA, interviews the man who cured aging! (…and I interview his protégé)”

  1. Dr. Park,
    You said Ta65 has been yet to become to be widely accepted….I can guarantee you from reading the interested comments on different forums etc it’s only because of the very extreme high price of it that is a deterrent. No normal middle class person can afford the price of it. Nor especially an older SS dependent. Wido as myself! However I have found a product that claims to have the 5 mg of astragenol plus 5mg of IV astraglasides in it. (Hope I spelled it right) it’s not from Crackaging. it is far far less money & I’ve been taking almost double dose (7) a night for several months. I’m older than dirt (77) (& I seem to have less pain (especially when I stay away from grain & other inflammatory products.) I breed small dogs & have 8 in my home living as pets & seem to be able to do more that several months ago plus house work & their care & puppies also.It’s all about pricing & what people can afford.

  2. Forgot to mention my skin seems to be firmer & less wrinkles. I never get sick like all the younger people do.part of which is my other go to for good health…Colloidal Silver. No…I’m not turning blue. 🙂

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