I present a happy email from a patient whose symptoms related to facial nerve damage seemed to improve after exosomes
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Happiness is…when you know you made a difference

I was asked an important question by one of the doctors who signed up for my exosomes training course: “What percentage of patients see a response?”  I believe the number to be about 70%. It is such a delight to help people who otherwise would have no way to ameliorate their suffering.

This week, I received a nice email from a young man with a lot of suffering in his daily life. A.L. is a 34 yo man with multiple concussive injuries to the head from car accidents and baseballs hitting his head as an umpire. After a family tragedy, the stress coupled with loud music caused a horrible tinnitus May 2022, which gradually faded but the hyperacusis and facial neuralgia was severe and had persisted for four months. On 10/21/22, we did injections of MSC exosomes into his nasal area and both sides where his facial nerves were. Here is is reply from 12/28/22:

Hi Dr. Park,

I thought of you the other day. Good news – a lot of my symptoms have vastly improved since the injections. The true acceleration in the healing was about 3 weeks after the procedure. The improvement in symptoms have been greatly noticeable since the start of December. 

The tinnitus is way, way down. It’s mostly a mild hiss throughout the day. It doesn’t really react either. The days of any loud ring/pitch/etc seem to be gone. Spikes are small and barely noticeable. There are a lot of moments during the day where I don’t hear anything at all. A new wrinkle is that from 1am to 2am, if I’m awake, it’s gone. 

Hyperacusis is still here but 90% improved. I can go throughout the day without fear. I had 22 people in my home for Christmas, and I was fine. It only hurts for a few seconds and goes away. The headaches are gone but the inner ear pain is the only symptom remaining. I have dropped things and clanged bottles loudly with no reactions from my ears. It seems to have a mind of its own, but that is 100x better than it being every sound. 

The facial hyperesthesia is 95% better. I find it remains when under extreme stress from work. No longer reacts due to weather. 

I have a lot of my life back. I can’t return to the basketball court just yet, but I have a lot of my life back. I’ll take it considering what my summer/fall were. 

Interestingly, his facial neuralgia and the hyperacusis were probably related to damage and dysfunction to the trigeminal nerve and the facial nerve, which we injected with exosomes. To learn more about tinnitus, check out this blog: 


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