For today's #TestimonialTuesday, Deborah C. was kind enough to let me share this video of her recently doing the traveling rings, a crazy back bend, and 5 pull ups! Amazing at any age! 3:47 of pure bliss to watch. If you think you know what 60-year-old looks like, I can guarantee you will be surprised. Enjoy!
Reading Time: < 1 minute
It’s my 47th birthday! (I hope I can do what Deb C. does when I’m 60!)

For today’s #TestimonialTuesday, Deborah C. was kind enough to let me share this video of her recently doing the traveling rings, a crazy back bend, and 5 pull ups!  Amazing at any age!  3:47 of pure bliss to watch.  If you think you know what 60-year-old looks like, I can guarantee you will be surprised.  Enjoy!


Deb C

3 thoughts on “It’s my 47th birthday! (I hope I can do what Deb C. does when I’m 60!)”

  1. Joshua' Paul

    Happy Birthday Doc…Hundreds of years from today I will hopefully be saying the same thing to you again and again and again and …. : > ) ……………..

  2. I just found your site and YouTube videos. Sorry I missed wishing you a happy birthday. I wish you many, many more. Thank you for all the information you share. It’s life changing. God bless

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