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Back Pain

Recharge Biomedical Podcast 7 -Dr. Ed Park of Recharge Biomedical Clinic explains back pain and interviews three patients whose back pain disappeared while taking TA-65

Some quotes:
“If I could take just one supplement it would be TA-65 because it’s like the master. You know, if you can put the telomeres back on you know allow repair to happen.”
-Rocky C., a 60 yo chemical engineer.

” Boy it’s been fantastic! I don’t have to take any more anti-inflammatory drugs. I’ve noticed that I have increased flexibility and because of that, my attitude is a heck of a lot better. I’m looking forward to playing the best golf of my life. “- 65 yo Professional Golfer, Ray Carrasco

“For over 10 years I’ve been suffering with back pain. Now, I have none!”
Alem Melaku, 45 yo mother of twins


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