Tag: addictions

Real patient experiences

Are you addicted to Ambien?

One of the most common reports of taking adaptogens is that sleep quality improves. I am not sure why this happens but it usually does.

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Addictions represent impaired relearning from sleep dysfunction

This is one of my favorite webinars. In it, I discovered that the celebrities that seemed to die of addictions were really dying of their self-medication of sleep dysfunction. From Michael Jackson to Jimi Hendrix, the doctors’ cures and the distillers spirits only made the problem worse.

But efficient sleep can help with the unlearning of addictions and therefore adaptogens that enhance sleep function appear to help get off things like Ambien.

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LBJ takes oath of office

JFK gunned down in Dallas! – where were you?

Even more interesting perhaps than who killed JFK is why everyone seems to remember where they were when it happened…

It turns out that all memory is tied to the limbic system, the system that also controls emotion. It could be that without an emotional valence, all memories would be the same.

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