Tag: autoimmunity

Real patient experiences

Webinar #21-Autoimmunity

Dr. Ed Park of Recharge Biomedical explains autoimmunity by way of explaining our immune systems. An example of improvement of Rheumatoid arthritis symptoms after exosomes is presented.

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stasis dermatitis

Webinar #10 – Stasis Dermatitis

Dr. Ed Park of Recharge Biomedical explains the very common conditions of stasis dermatitis and leg swelling. He presents several cases of improvement after use of MSC exosomes

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leaky gut

Webinar #9 – Leaky Gut

Dr. Ed Park of Recharge Biomedical presents a remarkable case of clinical improvements that may represent improvement in leaky gut syndrome. Is leaky gut a real thing? Decide for yourself

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Cancer and Exosomes – Lecture 4 of 9

I explain a new paradigm for cancer in which it is not rare, hereditary, nor incurable. Cancer is explained in terms of inevitable genetic mutation that is a normal feature of living but that is constantly being prevented and cured throughout our lives.

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