Tag: steroids

Real patient experiences


“You get a good workout and then two days of stiffness. I travel quite a bit so I couldn’t afford to be basically laying for two days out of three. Now the workout “hangover” is gone.”

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Running up the down escalator

Taking TA-65 is a way to reap the benefits of a healthy lifestyle for people who don’t have the time, inclination, or discipline to do so but do have the equivalent of a Grande Latte and muffin ($6.60) to spend on themselves daily.

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For death begins with life’s first breath…

Larry was a 65 year-old healthy man who underwent biometric testing before and after taking the supplement TA-65. He changed nothing else in his lifestyle and yet his lung functioning went from a very respectable 3.8 liters to 4.6 liters after only 15 months.

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