"You get a good workout and then two days of stiffness. I travel quite a bit so I couldn't afford to be basically laying for two days out of three. Now the workout "hangover" is gone."
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Recharge Biomedical “PODCAST 011: Exercise”

Dr. Ed Park of Recharge Biomedical explains why sports performance declines as we age and how exercise-induced telomerase activation delays aging.

Several patients discuss their dramatic improvements in exercise ability while taking TA-65.

Some quotes:

“It’s amazing stuff. The soreness will subside after a couple of days whereas before it would take 4-5 days, which would make me go to the gym less because I didn’t want to be sore the following week.”
-Cary Atwood, 42yo body builder

“You get a good workout and then two days of stiffness. I travel quite a bit so I couldn’t afford to be basically laying for two days out of three. Now the workout “hangover” is gone.”
-David 48yo runner


1 thought on “Exercise”

  1. Oh Lori, I agree with others. I love how you make scnicee so agreeable and I can now show off my knowledge’ to lazy friends. It is true, often I do not like to do Pilates or go for a walk because I just want get on with .. . what? My death row?Lucky I do feel better after exercise so that is always a good incentive to just do it.Wow you did a lot of training, I always wondered how people would keep that up. It must be hard to not do that anymore, as you say you must feel’ the difference. It is generous of you to give us that kick up the backside and I will keep enjoying stretching those telmemores or whatevers.xox WilmaWilma Hamb4s last [type] ..

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