"Hi Dr Park, I could have ordered from others but for the last 2 years you have answered EVERY email and phone call even while on vacation. I consider that to be so very personal and shows that you really care for your patients so I will certainly continue ordering TA 65 from you .."
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This is why you should order TA-65 from us…

Here is a sweet comment left by my patient. Perhaps you have some questions about TA that I could answer. If you were a patient of mine, you would have me as a resource 24/7, 365 days a year.

Price is the same everywhere so don’t hesitate to switch to our care and benefit from my six years of clinical experience.

“Hi Dr Park, I could have ordered from others but for the last 2 years you have answered EVERY email and phone call even while on vacation. I consider that to be so very personal and shows that you really care for your patients so I will certainly continue ordering TA 65 from you ..By the way I am halfway through the book VERY informative xxx Joyce”



1 thought on “This is why you should order TA-65 from us…”

  1. Jim Carrington

    I agree and feel that Dr Park has a strong genuine interest in his patients welfare over and above any financial benefit of selling TA-65.

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