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Ashwagandha a telomerase activator

In a recent study, the herb Ashwagandha was shown to increase telomerase activity 45%.


screen-shot-2016-12-02-at-1-32-56-pmThis will come as good news to users of our Adaptogenic supplement, RECHARGE, which contains Ashwagandha along with Tulsi (another Ayurvedic adaptogen), Gynostemma Pentaphyllum (or Jiaogulan), and a concentrated extract of Chinese adaptogen, Astragalus)


Here is a history of the iterations of RECHARGE (taken from this blog) as they have evolved through the past two years. The production run is identified by the quote on the label. I believe the current formulation is very well tolerated and people generally continue usage at a rate of about 85%. The fifteen percent that stop claim no effect or the expense seems high. The remainder are able, after stopping and starting, to appreciate the balancing and positive effects of the supplement, possibly due to an “entourage effect” of all the ingredients. To learn more, go to

Labelled as “Genesis 3:22”
“The LORD God said, ‘Since man has become like one of Us, knowing good and evil, he must not reach out, take from the tree of life, eat, and live forever.””

Manufactured: May-September, 2014


34mg Curcuma Longa
21mg Holy Basil
13mg Rhodiola
8mg Astragalus extract (98% pure)

Labeled as: “Brihadaranyaka Upanishad 1.3.28”
“Lead us from the unreal to the real. Lead us from darkness to light. Lead us from death to immortality”.”

Manufactured: November, 2014

Formulation: (NO CHANGE)

34mg Curcuma Longa
21mg Tulsi
13mg Rhodiola
8mg Astragalus extract (98% pure)

Labelled as “Proverbs 9:11”
“For by Wisdom your days will be many, and years will be added to your life.”

Manufactured: March, 2015

50mg Fo-ti Root
25mg Tusli
15mg Rhodiola
10mg Astragalus extract (98% pure)

Notes:  The Curcumin was dropped due to some conflicting evidence that it may have telomerase inhibtory effects.  Fo-ti root was added due to its reputation as a rejuvenating herb.  Astragalus extract increased by 25%.

Labelled as “Gilgamesh Tablet XI”

“I’ll dare to give this plant to aged men as food
and they will call it life-giving.
I too intend to eat it and to be made forever young.”

Manufactured July, 2015

30mg Tulsi
30mg Ashwaganda
15mg Rhodiola
10mg Astragalus extract (98% pure)

Notes: Fo-Ti was dropped due to concerns about the variable nature of its preparation process leading to possible inconsistency.  Ashwagandha, a safe and gentle adaptogen was added instead

Labelled as “C. Hermeticum”

“This wretched soul, not knowing what she is, becomes the slave of bodies of strange form in sorry plight, bearing the body as a load; not as the ruler, but the ruled”

Manufactured: October, 2015

Formulation: (NO CHANGE)
30mg Tulsi
30mg Ashwaganda
15mg Rhodiola
10mg Astragalus extract (98% pure)

Labelled as: “Quran 50:34”
“Enter it in peace. This is the day of immortality.”

Manufactured: April, 2016 and August, 2016

50mg Gynostemma
30mg Tulsi
30mg Ashwaganda
10mg Astragalus extract (98% pure)

Notes: Rhodiola was removed due to rare individuals who were sensitive to its ‘activating’ effects.  Gynostemma, a gentle and broad-acting adaptogen, was added. The post-production potency actually came back at 11.9 mg Astragalus extract.

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