Tag: adaptogen
Real patient experiences

Sleep “ontogeny” recapitulates phylogeny
My theory about sleep “ontogeny” is that since the early cycles differ from the later ones every night, could that also be recapitulating the evolutionary order in which they developed?

Why Adaptogens are wiser than prescription drugs
Did you ever notice that the healthiest old people don’t take medications? At first blush, that might seem like a tautology but wait! What if the medications are begetting their own complications and interfering with the body’s ability to restore balance and health?
Bob Seitz is 85-years young and getting younger
We were both pleased to learn that his test in October of 2014 showed a median length of 9,500 base pairs (or up to 25 years improvement) and a reduction to 8.3% critically-shortened telomeres (or a 38% relative reduction):
Thyroid function after TA65
The following patient clinically diagnoses himself with hyperthyroidism so I spoke with him about adjusting and the signs and symptoms required to manage this. I had to prepare him for “the talk” with his doctor who would poo-poo then accuse him of buying “magic beans” and possibly giving his children’s father cancer. Sigh.

“Lokahi Guru” will be your one-stop portal to alternative health technology
RECHARGE is made from the world’s safest and time-honored adaptogens: Tumeric, Holy Basil, Rhodiola rosea, and Huang Qi. Rather than overpowering or oversteering the body and its systems, an adaptogen is a substance that restores balance.