For today's #WebinarWednesday, I want to share a video I did about cholesterol. It seems that the meme questioning the wisdom of statins is spreading amongst mainstream medicine, which is great. Find out why "Lucy and Ethel" in the chocolate factory explains what is happening with the cholesterol levels.
Reading Time: < 1 minute
Cholesterol is not the root problem – it is cellular aging!

For today’s #WebinarWednesday, I want to share a video I did about cholesterol.  It seems that the meme questioning the wisdom of statins is spreading amongst mainstream medicine, which is great.  Find out why “Lucy and Ethel” in the chocolate factory explains what is happening with the cholesterol levels.

I used to have a high cholesterol and fatty liver because the cells were old. Now that the cells are more active and handle glucose and insulin (and adiponectine) better, the cholesterol is normal.  See if you agree with my theory!


Choesterol Webinar

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