Shaman Antonia and I will discuss identity and consciousness and I will share my very profound personal experience of how she transformed my life
Reading Time: 3 minutes
Let’s talk to my shaman, Antonia

To celebrate the release of my new book, The Telomere Miracle: Scientific Secrets to Fight Disease, Feel Great, and Turn Back the Clock on Aging, I will be doing weekly live broadcasts on Facebook to chat with some interesting friends.



“What is our identity really made of?”




This week, we will speak with Brazilian shaman and healer, Antonia Ruhl, who will join us live from Australia.

To accommodate the +19 time difference, we will be chatting with her WED, Jan 31st at 6PM PST (Feb 1st 1PM, Melbourne time)

The founder of the Earth Healer Academy and co-author of You are only Two Millimeters AwayShe and I will discuss identity and consciousness and I will share my very profound personal experience of how she transformed my life by exorcising some unpleasant demons that I was harboring.


“Lessons about breathing from the Yogic traditions”


My extraordinary yoga teacher and friend, Lauren Sanford, will share her wisdom from years spend studying and teaching yoga in India as well as in the studios of Southern California. We will explore the vital importance of breathing and help you to learn to control your life through mindful breathing.


“What is love, anyway?”

Wed, Feb 14th, @12:30PM PST (GMT -8)

For Valentine’s Day, we will be exploring love in its many forms with relationship and love expert, Viraja Prema.

We will explore sex, relationships, intimacy, and ultimately the greatest love of all…self-acceptance.

“How to exercise like an 79yo”

Wed, Feb 21st, @12:30PM PST (GMT -8)

We will talk about exercise with Doug Malewicki, lifelong elite athlete, inventor, and all-around great guy. I will explain how too much and too little exercise can both be harmful.


“Let food be thy medicine”

Wed, Feb 28th, @12:30PM PST (GMT -8)

I will debunk some common misconceptions about diet and then turn it over to Reena Jadhav, Silicon Valley startup coach, business leader, and founder of, a website delivering custom health wisdom to keep you “vibrantly healthy”. She will share her own journey with debilitating chronic illness that could only be cured by understanding and then changing her diet.

The theme from all our guests is the same one compelled me to write my book: you are responsible for your own personal journey if you are going to master being a healthy person.

We all must go inside and take inventory of where we are stuck, ignoring what’s real, and not finding balance. My hope with these Facebook Live events are threefold: to inspire, to connect, and to empower.

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