Tag: harvard

Real patient experiences

What I learned from Harvard (the game)

Last weekend, I was happy to be reunited with my classmates at the 30th reunion of the Harvard class of 1989. An interesting activity was on the agenda called “The Harvard Chase”

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Harvard/Northwestern VA study claims to predict cancer risk with telomere lengths

Men who developed cancers were compared with those that didn’t for the 13 years prior to diagnosis or exclusion by using a quantitative PCR measurement (which is problematic). Firstly, they found was two different curves with the cancer group showing a more rapid shortening trend. This is consistent with my stem cell theory of aging and most of the extant studies.

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Dave Goldberg, Harvard Class of ’89, passed away today

So we say farewell to “The good guy of Silicon Valley”. Maybe part of his good guy legacy was to empower Sheryl to move our culture forward with his love and support. As the voice of women seeking to “have it all” on their own terms by “leaning in”, she must have felt tremendous love and support throughout her mission

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