I can honestly say that the viewing experience of this period comedy is a delight and as close to perfection as anything can be.
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Winter Binge watching recommendation: “The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel”

Amidst the blustering Polar Vortex and maddening political and cultural wars, I thought I would offer a recommendation for TV watching: Amazon Prime’s The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel.

As a writer of screenplays and one teleplay and consumer of countless hours of media, I can honestly say that the viewing experience of this period comedy is a pure delight and as close to perfection as anything can be.

The sets, costumes, mise en scene, zeitgest, story, dialogue, sound, cinematography, character arcs…exquisite! I am going to watch it all a second time around and that has NEVER happened with TV shows and me.

Bravissima to the brilliant creator and show-runner, Amy Sherman-Palladino! Also kudos to her writers, the crew, and the actors who swept this week’s SAG awards for comedy acting: Rachel Brosnahan and Tony Shalhoub. Their relationship on screen and the dialogue…I’m kvelling and verklempt watching this and for me, that’s as good as it gets.

They say that 100M people already subscribe to Amazon Prime so you’re probably one of them. Go ahead…treat yourself to some pure joy and watch the winner of all the awards you could every win.

If you are a GenX or older, this might be an anti-aging treatment for you as the entire late 50’s is recreated with enhanced color and comedy. If you ever went to the Catskills or know what the “Borschtbelt” was, then you simply cannot miss this show!  They say a tragedy begins with a wedding and a comedy ends with one. Well, tell it to the writers of this show because they open with a wedding monologue and it only gets better from there…


5 thoughts on “Winter Binge watching recommendation: “The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel””

  1. Yes!
    I have had the same experience with this amazing piece of storytelling. Every character is great. Her father (Tony Shaloub) shines in every moment.

    Bonus viewing: Ms Brosnahan was also priceless while hosting Saturday Night Live.

  2. Jean Rudegeair

    Totally agree! Lance and I have watched every episode and are sad we are at the end of the current season. Another show we’ve loved and are anxiously awaiting a new season (I hope!) is ‘Mozart in the Jungle’!

  3. Pingback: Quarantined Book, Music, and Viewing Recommendations | Recharge Biomedical

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