Category: #PhilanthropyFridays

Real patient experiences

Friday the 13th and the rhyming of history

Once upon a time, powerful men walked the financial and civil halls of power at home whilst sending peasants’ and their children off to kill and die in the name of God’s glory in the Holy Lands. They amassed vast sums of wealth by loaning money to kings for the purpose of waging wars and they practiced secret rituals that bound them together.

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Welcome to the machine?

There is no firewall or proxy that will ever protect us from ourselves because our consciousness is based on the emergent properties of trillions of cells and neuro-endocrine networks resonating along with god-knows-what. We need LESS computational power with fewer connections until we can master two contradictory ideas:

1) There is no truth that is not arbitrary and subjective

2) Truth and ethics must be driven by consistency and largely independent of agenda

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Racism on the rise? If so, it is your fault!

How odd it would be to send Al Sharpton and David Duke back in time to witness the banality of black on white slavery and to understand that our notions of their perceived conflicts are predicated on social constructs that arose out of the particular history of European Enlightenment, Colonialism, and the Pseudoscience of Anthropology (spoken as an Anthropology major myself.)

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World’s Richest Man predicts 3-day workweek – (Poorer billionaires predict an apocalypse)

Last night, I was helping my 11-yo son with his history assignment: a comic, showing the evolution of mankind from the stone age, to the neolithic, to the modern industrial phase. In Oliver’s last panel, his Homo sapiens sapiens concluded that the efficiencies of a mechanized world allowed them to enjoy being human.

This morning, I was pleased to find a similar sentiment from none less that Carlos Slim, the world’s richest man.

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