Category: #ScienceSunday
Real patient experiences

Another study proving my stem cell theory of aging – in Diabetes
If you had lower telomerase activity, then you had a higher risk of Type2 Diabetes and all the changes associated with getting fat.
CRISPR – Don’t believe the hype!
CRISPR-Cas is not like a human finding cutting and splicing an old fashioned movie reel…it depends on bacterial-derived micro-machines with an inherent error rate.

Cue “Thus Spake Zarathustra”- Man just became God
Craig Venter, the maverick yet mainstream scientist who pioneered the Human Genome Project and now the Craig Venter Institute has done it- he took real Mycoplasma bacterial DNA- uploaded it as info, then transcribed it into artificial DNA and put it into a bacterial shell. Presto! Artificial life that is self-reproducing.

It’s the End of the World (as we know it) – unless you support my fund
If you have been amused, inspired, or the least bit interested by the content that I have worked to produce since 2007, please visit this page to donate to my legal defense fund.

The movie “Self/Less” and the Persistence of Memory
The premise of Self/less is that the brain’s consciousness is like a hard drive that can be used to store new information is interesting because it runs up against the failure of the ethically-challenged scientists to completely wipe the host body’s memories.