Let's talk honestly about honesty
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Honesty is rare

I had an interesting time at the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine conference this past weekend. Although the show was sparsely attended, there were four types of people I met:

1) People who stopped by to say thank you for helping them. For instance, a nurse who referred her boss after attending my lecture December 2022, said her doctor/employer’s excruciating trigeminal neuralgia was still gone after one nasal treatment. See this blog.

2) Providers who were curious about learning about exosomes since they have been hearing a lot more about them or have been using other regenerative techniques like PRP.

3) Clinic directors who wanted to incorporate exosomes into a larger wellness practice.

4) Vendors of other exosome or stem cell companies.

As for the last, I was warned that exosomes have “oncogenes” by one scientist and sadly this was repeated by another vendor who sells stem cells during his lecture. 

The only lecture I attended was his and he went through 144 slides in thirty minutes. He advocated his technologies, and lauded Dr. Arnold Caplan, the late pioneer in Mesenchymal Stem Cell Science, but ignored Caplan’s greatest end-of-life epiphany: that stem cells heal using exosomes.

Why? Because it didn’t fit the business model. So now we are told that exosomes have oncogenes. Is that true? It’s not that simple, but it contains some half-truths which is all the speaker needs to feel justified. To understand that true oncogenes are cancer-protective, read this blog.

My personal brand

I was talking with a family about their son, who is suffering for the last 31 years with an incurable neurological condition. The father stopped and insisted that I was the most honest physician he had ever met and blessed me for that. He said for their entire lives, people promised a lot an underdelivered. In contrast, I under-promised and reaffirmed the incurable nature of his son’s condition, and he was grateful for that.

Just two days prior, I had a man call me about his mother, who was suffering from stasis dermatitis. He said none of the doctors seemed to know about it but that my video explained it and it gave him hope. He said he didn’t think my personal brand was effective and thought that I should “sell it” more and have more confidence. 

Personally, I dislike salesy doctors who only discuss their successes. If I tell you that four out of four of my facial nerve pain patients got better, I insist that is probably luck. If I tell you that only 2 of 7 of my hair loss patients got better, it is because my frequency and tenacity is lacking, but others report better results.

Why don’t I overpromise? Because if you promise the moon and don’t deliver, the trust is lost. Watch this video about trust and unhappy patients, which is a theme we discuss a lot in my provider training course.

You don't know what you don't know

At a considerable personal expense, I am about to take a 16-hour flight to Melbourne, Australia to attend the 5-day 13th Annual International Society of Extracellular Vesicle conference. Why? Because despite having written a book about exosomes, I am, like everyone else, ignorant about so many aspects of exosome production, isolation, tuning, analysis, and much more.

If I don't know, I will tell you

When it comes to denigrating other doctors and other regenerative products, I get it. Everyone has their own ethics, bias, knowledge deficits, and revenue to protect. Soon, I will be launching a Facebook-style community website and start interviewing experts on a wide range of controversial topics. No one person has all the answers, but together, we can help each other learn new answers. 

With regard to clinical practice, if you have a problem that you would like discuss with me, I invite you to sign up for a complimentary 20-minute Zoom consultation. After uploading a medical history form, you can book that appointment with me to honestly discuss whatever you like.

Go to www.rechargebiomedical.com/contact-us

Postscript - on the road again

I am slightly dreading the 16-hour transpacific flight but I know that with TA-65, noise-cancelling headphones, melatonin, and grounding, I will be okay. To learn about jetlag, read this old blog.

The last trip I took to Asia was with my older son, and that was really fun. Even though I’m a Canadian-born American who often gets asked “do you go back” (would you ever ask that to a European or African-American?) The trip before that was 2016 when I was the invited keynote speaker at the Korean Anti-Aging Medicine conference. If you are interested in knowing why Korea is the plastic surgery capital of the world, check out this blog. The gif below is actually different people!


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