Tag: drpark65

Real patient experiences

Happy New Year!

I would like to try to post at least once a day. We shall see how long this New Years’ resolution lasts…

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Is depression related to shorter telomeres in girls?

The research in this field is tended to reject the link between depression and shorter telomeres but in recent years, the studies have been mixed with a greater number of studies showing an association (like this Epel study from the NHNES study data that I recently blogged about) whereas other show no correlation like this New Zealand study.

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Hip pain gone – now let’s dance!

I just wanted to let you know that the TA65 is working on my hip! Two surgeons recommended hip replacement but, then again, that is what they do! When I went to the physical therapist that Ron found, she said that she thought she could help me and she has!!!! I danced for 2 hours at a ballroom dance on Saturday night!!

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Thyroid function after TA65

The following patient clinically diagnoses himself with hyperthyroidism so I spoke with him about adjusting and the signs and symptoms required to manage this. I had to prepare him for “the talk” with his doctor who would poo-poo then accuse him of buying “magic beans” and possibly giving his children’s father cancer. Sigh.

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The only remaining “closet” in Hollywood

But there is one closet that none of the celebrities who are looking remarkable good for their age will admit to being in: that of taking a telomerase activator…even though it was the central plot device of the movie IRONMAN 3

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exosome treatments?

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