Tag: cosmology

Real patient experiences

How the emotional universe works

In the human microcosm of our consciousness, culture, experience, and disposition create an dynamic internal map of morals that it wants to associate with. The ego, driven by the limbic system of emotions then attempts to discern which actions and beliefs will best align itself with those values.

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Why does the universe exist?

If you are at all interested in cosmology and the fundamental nature of the universe, this 37 minute video might be a useful point of departure for your own investigations.

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Happy Back to the Future Day – Oct 21, 2015

When I get goosebumps from a pithy idea, a juicy synchronicity, or a deja vu, I feel as though perhaps time is not so linear. I guess if the Cubs win their next seven baseball games, perhaps someone will humor me and reopen this discussion?

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Harvard 25th College reunion – Is the Hero’s journey fractal?

So there it is. I guess everything is a reunion depending on what scale you examine. Maybe “source consciousness” as the new age philosophers call it, wants to experience itself through our lives before returning to itself. I’m not particularly spiritual or religious, but when patterns arise, they deserve mentioning. Hope you have a great week.

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